We Charge Institutional Racism (Versus Metropolitan Chicago Synod’s Bishop Curry Administration)! -Part 1 of 5



A) “All past is prologue.” Shakespeare’s Tempest

B) A Relevant Reading From Matthew 18:15-17 -Re: Discipline and Prayer

C) A Relevant Reading From Luke 12:57-59 -Re: Jesus’ Settle out of Court

D) A Relevant Reading from 1 Corinthians 6:1-8 -Re: Pauline Ethics: Lawsuits Discouraged


TO: Rev. Robert Biekman, Associate to the Bishop: Director of Evangelical Mission, South and Northeast Conferences

FR: Rev. Joel Washington, Pastor and Council President of DECIDED TO FOLLOW JESUS: Reformation African American Lutheran Congregation Chicago

RE: The Status of Our Congregation Within MCS-ELCA

DA: November 8, 2021

Dear Rev. Biekman,

1.As you are well aware, a hidden and open controversy currently exists regarding the status of our congregation within MCS-ELCA.

2. Said controversy emerged in the open at the October 28, 2021 South Conference Luncheon/Meeting hosted by Augustana Lutheran Church and Campus Ministry, Hyde Park. The speaking guest of honor was Bishop Yehiel Curry. You were also in attendance as a part of your MCS Portfolio. The meeting was the first face-to-face South Conference meeting since the COVID–19 shutdowns 18 months ago. Although we continued to gather for SC check-in meetings virtually via Zoom however.

3. In his presentation to the SC, Bishop Curry made the unsolicited report that our congregation was officially closed i.e. we no longer existed on the Synod rolls. Perhaps he did this because our delegation of six (6) representatives of the Congregation’s leadership team was present, and accounted for, during the opening introductions of the SC business meeting.

4. This writer, in response to Bishop Curry’s unsolicited opinion statement was thereby challenged to intervene during the Q&A making the observation that contrary to the Bishop’s errant statement, reports of our congregational demise is exaggerated and so despite the good Bishop’s errant opinion.

5. Bishop Curry cited as his authority A) the October 2020 meeting recommendation of his African Descent Ministries Council, B) the October 24, 2020 meeting decision of the Synod Council, as well as C) the Book of Reports of the Virtual 2021 Synod Assembly.

6. By contrast, this writer took the position, standing on our congregational constitution and the MCS-ELCA polity, that the power of dissolution rests solely with the impacted congregation and its Council.

7. Both sides agreed that the discussion of our congregation’s status was beyond the scope of the October 28, SC meeting.  It was then further agreed that a meeting between the Synod Office and our Congregation’s leadership team should be arranged ASAP.  Said meeting’s purpose being to further sort the issue out.  Moreover, the proposed meeting would be further arranged via negotiating with Rev. Robert Biekman, Director of Evangelical Mission and Assistant to Bishop Curry.

8. The above said, we hereby propose convening a virtual meeting via our freeconferencecall.com account at the earliest convenience of Rev. Biekman -given proper prior notice.

9. We base this request on the Steps for Dissolution guidelines of MCS-ELCA here:https://mcselca.org/wp-content/uploads/Steps-for-Dissolution-of-a-Congregation-ELSA-MCSELCA.pdf  

10. We further seek to convene our Synod-meets-Congregation meeting based on the following quote of Appendix I of Steps wherein its opening two paragraphs state:

A) “When it becomes apparent that the ability of the congregation to remain effectively engaged in ministry is in jeopardy, schedule a consultation of the congregation with your synod bishop or designee to develop a plan for discernment. This plan will usually include conversation with the bishop, the synod’s director of evangelical mission, and leaders from neighboring congregations. Decisions about bringing a ministry to a close will only happen after a time of prayer, study and conversation. The decision to close a ministry will require a properly called meeting of the congregation as required by polity and statute.

b) “A sample resolution for discontinuance of ministry follows. Check your state law to make sure a
resolution is sufficient and the necessary type of majority needed to approve it. After the appropriate
resolution is adopted, signed and attested, a copy shall be forwarded to the bishop of the synod.”

11.  Note:  The above referenced resolution is solely made by the congregation only.

12.  We invite Rev. Biekman’s reply to our virtual meeting request.


Robert Biekman <rbiekman@mcselca.org>Nov 9, 2021, 12:39 PM
to YehielTom, me

Good day Rev. Washington,

I am in receipt of your email from yesterday and voicemail that you left today.

Bishop Curry along with Tom Anderson (MCS Business Manager) will be in direct contact with you regarding this email.

Peace and blessings!


The ice cold fact is neither Bishop Curry nor the Synod’s Business Manager ever contacted us regarding our virtual meeting request.

Instead, eleven (11) months latter we were blind-sided by an illegal 30 DAY NOTICE served on our congregation’s parsonage at 11312 S. Union by Adam K. Beattie, attorney for MCS/ELCA.


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