We Charge Institutional Racism (Versus Metropolitan Chicago Synod’s Bishop Curry Administration) -Part 4 of 5


Dear ELCA Office of the Secretary,

My name is Rev. Joel Washington.  I am on the Retired Leadership Roster of Metro Chicago Synod.  I am also the Bi-Vocational Pastor & Council President of Reformation Lutheran Church Chicago, a voluntary congregation of MCS/ELCA.  As such we are seeking an opinion of the ELCA Secretary’s Office on the status of our congregation’s parsonage property, versus the current illegal (unconstitutional) attempt of the Metro Chicago Bishop’s Office to unprincipledly grab control thereof, and thereby rob us of our property at 11312 S. Union, Chicago IL 60628.

A comprehensive outline of the legal position of our congregation versus the illegal attempted usurpation by the current MCS Bishop’s office can be found on the updated Home Page of our congregation’s blog as follows:


We invite the ELCA’s Office of the Secretary’s reply.

SECMay 26, 2023, 11:54 AM (3 days ago)
to me, SEC, Marsha, Dessi0615@gmail.com, derrcotsproduction@yahoo.com, JOEL, Echerrylaw@gmail.com

Pastor Washington,

Thank you for your email.

This matter is a local dispute between a congregation and the synod, and the ELCA churchwide organization has no authority to intervene or to adjudicate that dispute.

Peace to you,

Pr. Keith Fry

The Rev. Keith Fry
Executive, Office of the Secretary Administration
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
8765 W Higgins Rd., Chicago, IL  60631-4101

Phone: 800-638-3522 ext. 2809 or 773-380-2809; Fax: 773-380-2977

Rev. Fry, 

Thanks for your prompt reply.  Implicit in your reply is the recognition of the separation of constitutional powers between the ELCA denomination’s churchwide organization, its Synods, and its approximately ten (10) thousand autonomous Congregations.  

Said separation of powers, in our congregation’s constitutional opinion, concurs with our local assemby’s view and practice regarding our very own exclusive 11312 S. Union, Chicago IL, property ownership and control of said property up-to and including our singular right of closure (dissolution).  

Said closure (dissolution) has never been effected by us.  Nor have we ever relinquished control of our assets to anyone inclusive of Metro Chicago Synod.   

Rev. Joel Washington. 

Dear Partners of Reformation Lutheran Chicago,

Linked following is Metropolitan Chicago Synod’s Attorney Beattie’s current EVICTION SUMMONS dated 5-11-2023:   Note: Because the Fed/Ex link was not transferable with this message, I’ve sent it to you separately as a forward document under Fed/Ex office scan.  Please reference.  

The above said, our Defendants response stands on the following points enumerated once again below:

1)  We are (voluntarily) an autonomous congregation in the faith orbit of the Metropolitan Chicago Synod of the Evangelical LutheranChurch in America.  As such, we always reserve the right of congregational independence (self-governance) including exclusive control of our property up to and including formal congregational dissolution.

2)  Reformation Lutheran has never dissolved either informally or formally.  The latter first needs, to be effective, a formal congregational dissolution meeting and a properly adopted  and recorded resolution signed, sealed, and delivered to the active congregation membership as well as to MCS/ELCA.

3) Accordingly, MCS/ELCA has no legal jurisdiction over our property according to their own constitution and certainly not according to our very own model congregational constitution. 

4)  We have previously noted the above to Mr. Beattie 9 months ago back in October 2022.  More, back in our Fall 2022 message we noted that even the MCS/ELCA guidelines regarding congregational dissolution supports our position.  Said guidelines are linked here FYI:  https://mcselca.org/wp-content/uploads/Steps-for-Dissolution-of-a-Congregation-ELSA-MCSELCA.pdf 

More, a keenly relevant quote from the STEPS Appendix below:

A) “When it becomes apparent that the ability of the congregation to remain effectively engaged in ministry is in jeopardy, schedule a consultation of the congregation with your synod bishop or designee to develop a plan for discernment. This plan will usually include conversation with the bishop, the synod’s director of evangelical mission, and leaders from neighboring congregations. Decisions about bringing a ministry to a close will only happen after a time of prayer, study and conversation. The decision to close a ministry will require a properly called meeting of the congregation as required by polity and statute.

B) “A sample resolution for discontinuance of ministry follows. Check your state law to make sure a
resolution is sufficient and the necessary type of majority needed to approve it. After the appropriate
resolution is adopted, signed and attested, a copy shall be forwarded to the bishop of the synod.”

Note:  The above referenced resolution is solely made by the congregation only!

5.  Additionally, a close reading of Mr. Beattie’s EVICTION SUMMONS document reveals it was improperly filed.  

A) Derick Terry and Jenola Terry Ward are not defendants, rather they are disgruntled members who defected from our congregation years ago and have nothing to do with our property; 

B) Although this writer is named as a defendant, the form’s plaintiff’s instructions clearly calls for including this writer’s primary address and service thereof neither of which has been done; 

C) Plaintiff’s EVICTION SUMMONS is absent a timely prior 30 Day Notice;  

D) The Court Clerk’s signature does not appear on the Plaintiff’s document; and finally 

E) the Date of Service has not been entered by a process server. 

Accordingly, we will take further appropriate action regarding this matter.  

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